"Apabila kita takut akan sesuatu, maka, rasa takut kita melebihi apa yang kita takutkan sesungguhnya..."

Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

Holiday to Bandung - Tangkuban Parahu

The second day when I was in Bandung, I went to the one of the most famous mount in Indonesia. It was Tangkuban Parahu (not Perahu, because the Sundanese wrote like that). Before reach the object, my group bus parked at the park area. Then, I  went up using the public transportation which the ticket was @ Rp 2.500,00 for up and down. Why I said up and down? Because we need to 'climb' the hill (using the public transportation colt-like) if we want to reach the mount. 

I won't tell you the legend of it. Yeaaah, in elementary school, we've studied it at Indonesian subject. About the Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi. And the mount was the boat that was kicked by Sangkuriang. That's all :p

me and my mom inside the bus :D
See how beautiful the nature, will we realized that we can destroy it?

4 komentar:

  1. eman nda gambare kecil. kalo upload jangan lewat sini. lewat tinypic.com. tapi kudu di resize pixelnya. biar keliatan full di pagemu, tapi nggak lebih dari garis. mudeng?

  2. caranya piye? join photobucket dulu ya?

  3. tinypic.com. nggak usah pake daftar. kalo photobucket harus daftar. eman lho nda tampilnya kecil gini

  4. iya, uweeees, tapi gaisok, kudu daftar dulu.
